Seminars and Workshops
Attended one-day workshop on Psycho-social rehabilitation at CADABAM’S on 14th March 2012.
Participated in workshop on Hand script analysis in March 2013 from Graphotek Analysts, Bangalore.
Participated in International workshop on Technology transfer in Beekeeping Meliponiculture and honey festival (Api-expo), Bangalore, Feb 2014.
Participated in Symposium on Healthy Lifestyle and Human Welfare-Nov 2014, Bangalore.
Participated in seminar on 2014 Nobel Prize in physiology: mapping the map markers of the brain, Bangalore, Dec-2014.
Participated in workshop on Research Methodology, Mangalore, March 2016.
Participated in online workshop on Protein sequencing, 4th February 2018.
Participated in National level workshop on “Developmental Biology-Gametogenesis and fertilization” on February 10th, 2018, Bangalore.
Participated in National Webinar on “Biotechnology skill enhancement Programme (BiSEP) on 12th February, 2018.
Participated in Two-day seminar and workshop on “Biostatistics and its uses in research” on August 16 and 17, 2018 held in Mumbai.
Participated in “International seminar and workshop on recent trends and advances in Ecotoxicology with special reference to Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors” on November 16 and 17, 2018 at KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Participated in online National Webinar on "Insects as future food for 21st century" on 10th July 2020.
Participated in online National Webinar on "False Information Relating to Epidemic and Law" on 11th July 2020.
Participated in online webinar on “Research Methodology” on 17th July 2020.
Participated in online National Webinar on "Status of Biodiversity in India" on 21th July 2020.
Participated in online National Webinar on "Power of Hydroponics to Grow Food" 25th July 2020.
Participated in online National Webinar on "Forensic Science in Crime Investigation" on 27th July 2020.
Participated in online International Webinar on “Dream Analysis” on 31st July, 2020.
Participated in online National Webinar series on "Modern Trends in Zoology - 2020" between 28th July 2020 and 3rd August 2020.
Participated in online International Webinar on “Mental health and suicide prevention during COVID 19” on 3rd August 2020.